And when I'm not breaking things...

Take off, fuck, I already do it, you have no fucking idea.

Reasons to believe me


I come from Venezuela, and well, there we are all a little crazy.

Short Circuits

With me it is very frequent that you see sparks or blackouts if I am working on something with enthusiasm.

Love maker

Because when you love what you do, you really do it right!

Being Happy

I'm happy doing things makers, and just that is everything i want.

Frequently Asked Questions

What operating system do I recommend?

if you are starting with linux: Debian, and if you like to break things: Arch Linux

Where can I learn new things?

well, other than on the internet...
there are places like ZaragozaMakerSpace that have the purpose of encouraging any initiative as a citizen science, hobbies, technology, learning... go there and see it yourself!